Dancing with fears in your eyes.

How do we overcome the paralysis of fear that inhibits our creativity and personal expression?

For years, fear has been my shadow, following me through life ventures. The fear of failure, the incessant worry about rejection, and the crushing weight of ‘not good enough’ have been relentless companions. Each endeavor, whether personal or professional, came with these silent whispers, casting doubts on my capability to succeed. In the realm of photography, this anxiety magnified, leaving me in second-guessing paralisys for over a decade. I was stuck in a cycle, unable to escape the fear of not living up to the success of past achievements.

I  discovered a profound solution in Seth Godin’s wisdom: Detach from the outcome. It’s about shifting focus to the process, immersing in the act of creation for its own sake. By letting go of the end result, I’ve started to create again with joy, not judgment. My approach has shifted to one of enjoying the journey rather than worrying about the end goal. This mindset is truly liberating, it encourages continuous practice and opens a door to endless possibilities. So, I’m embracing this path, understanding that each attempt—each ‘first step’—lays the foundation for growth, evolution, and potential success beyond the initial creation.